Security Stuff

NaAV - Not an AntiVirus

TLDR; NaAV configures the system to simulate it's a malware analysis sandbox.

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Mind Maps & Diagrams

Security oriented mind maps and diagrams, created to help me in my studies. Provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.

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Custom multiplatform malware with chat based c&c. v0.1 PoC (not sorry for the resolution)

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Other Stuff

Media Queries & Device Type Detection Tests

Page to test media queries and device detection libraries. (spoiler: everything is a lie)

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel ultricies orci. Nullam molestie leo non iaculis malesuada. Nam erat nulla, tincidunt ac augue ac, feugiat dapibus augue. Praesent id elit pretium ex posuere dignissim sed in neque. Morbi pulvinar nec nunc sit amet lacinia. Pellentesque sit amet quam eu ex cursus sagittis a vitae libero. Fusce et lacus dolor.

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